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The Zone E4 Fall 2023 Convention was held at Branch 63 Collingwood on September 10, 2023. Branch 270 Coldwater was well represented having four members on the Zone Council including Comrades Bob Gourlie (Zone Sports Officer), Betty-Jean Murray (Zone Poppy, Resolutions & By-Laws, Seniors), Norm Marion (Zone Public Relations), and Linda Tucker (Zone Ways & Means). And of course, our Branch President, Comrade Anne McArthur, was in attendance to represent the branch.

Zone E4 Commander, Comrade Shawn Mckinlay, addresses participants to the Zone E4 Fall 2023 Convention.

District 'E' Commander, Comrade Rick Preston, addresses participants to the Zone E4 Fall 2023 Convention.

Zone E4 Deputy-Commander, Comrade Amanda Grant-Bottineau, addresses participants to the Zone E4 Fall 2023 Convention.

The Colour Party marches off at the conclusion of the Zone E4 Fall 2023 Convention.

Comrade Frank Beasley of Branch 262 Elmvale addresses participants to the Zone E4 Fall 2023 Convention.

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