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Royal Canadian Legion Branch 270 Coldwater held its annual Remembrance Day service on Thursday, November 11. Despite less than ideal weather conditions, an unexpectedly large crowd did show up to pay respects to our Fallen. With most wreaths in memory of loved ones pre-positioned earlier in the morning by volunteers from the branch, only a small number of wreaths were laid during the service by representatives of organisations. These included the federal, provincial, and municipal government, the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Legion, and the Ladies Auxiliary.

As Remembrance Day also signalled the end of this year's active Poppy Campaign, we wish to thank the many groups, local businesses and individuals who contributed in so many ways to the Coldwater Legion's Poppy Campaign. Thank you to those who took part in our first Veterans Banner project in Coldwater, with banners featuring deceased Veterans put on display in store front windows around the village main street. We hope shoppers and passersby appreciated this new initiative. And thank you all of you who proudly wore your Poppy during the past two weeks. This simple gesture of Remembrance is perhaps the best guarantee that in the future, We Will, indeed, Remember Them.

PHOTO CAPTIONS (Photos by Wanda Beaudoin):

1 - A Coldwater Branch Colour Party prepares to march on to signal the beginning of the Remembrance Day ceremony. Left to right: Comrades Rick Morse, Randy Rice, and Wayne Tutt, with bugler Paul Bolyea at the back.

2 - Coldwater resident Albert Sauvé opened and closed the Coldwater Remembrance Day service with the national anthem and God Save the Queen.

3 - Bugler Paul Bolyea played the Last Post and Reveille during the Remembrance Day service (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

4 - Coldwater Branch Chaplain, Reverend Ron McLean offered prayers and benediction at the Remembrance Day service in Coldwater. Branch President Comrade Norm Marion stands by the podium.

5 - Coldwater Branch Immediate Past President, Comrade Betty-Jean Murray, addresses the participants assembled on the street across from the Coldwater Cenotaph. Branch President Comrade Norm Marion stands by the podium.

6 - Representing the federal government, Bruce Stanton laid a wreath on behalf of Adam Chambers, MP.

7 - Representing the Province of Ontario, Jane Dunlop laid a wreath on behalf of Jill Dunlop, MPP.

8 - Mayor Mike Burkett lays a wreath on behalf of the Township of Severn.

9 - Escorted by Chief Warrant Officer Luc Lamontagne (left), Lieutenant-Colonel Steven Brown laid a wreath on behalf of the Canadian Armed Forces.

10 - Coldwater Branch President Comrade Norm Marion salutes after laying a wreath on behalf of the Royal Canadian Legion.

11 - Representing the Ladies Auxiliary, Comrade Anne McArthur pays her respect after laying a wreath on behalf of the Ladies.

12 - Vigils from the Canadian Armed Forces stood at the four corners of the Cenotaph during the Remembrance Day ceremony in Coldwater.

13 - More than 60 wreaths were pre-positioned around the Coldwater Cenotaph area earlier in the morning by volunteers from the branch.

14 - The Coldwater Branch Colour Party marches off at the end of the Remembrance Day ceremony in Coldwater.



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