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On Tuesday June 23rd, during our monthly General Meeting, the branch held an Honours & Awards ceremony to present several Legion Years of Service pins, Certificates of Appreciation, Certificates of Merit, Past Office medals and Bars, and the Legionnaire of the Year 2022 plaque. Congratulations to all the recipients!

Congratulations to (left to right) Comrades Randy Rice, Wanda Beaudoin, Cheryll Barr, Gaëtanne Robinson, Marlene Klanert, Brenda Yule, Peter Dunster, Henny Risebrough, Meredith Orr (behind), Mark Sauder, and Rick Morse, who were presented their lapel pins representing 5 Years of Service with the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Norm Marion)

Congratulations to (left to right) Comrades Kirk Chapman and Phyllis Devine, who were presented their lapel pins representing 10 Years of Service with the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

Congratulations to Comrades Wayne Tutt and Lindsey Beers, who were presented their lapel pins representing 15 Years of Service with the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

Congratulations to Comrades Bev Moreau and Lorne McKay, who were presented their lapel pins representing 20 Years of Service with the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

Congratulations to Comrade Darlene McKay who was presented her lapel pin representing 25 Years of Service with the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

Congratulations to (left to right) Comrades Paula Brown, Angela Marshall, Garry Perryman, Dawn Jackson, and Anne McArthur, who were presented their lapel pins representing 40 Years of Service with the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

Congratulations to Comrades Bill Coleshaw and Bonnie Kitchen who were presented their lapel pins representing 45 Years of Service with the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

Congratulations to (left to right) Comrades Edna Woodman, Robert Murdoch, and Lloyd Sibley who were presented their medal representing 50 Years of Service with the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

Congratulations to Comrade Kari Malmstrom (left) who was presented (after the H&A ceremony) a Branch Past Office Medal with Executive Bar by Branch President Wayne Tutt in recognition for fulfilling a term as appointed officer. Kari was also presented with a Branch Service Medal that recognizes significant level of service over and above the requirements of the member's office duties.(Photo by Gaëtanne Robinson)

Congratulations to (left to right) Comrades Adam Sauvé, Paula Brown, Yvonne Sauvé, and Anne McArthur, who were presented Certificates of Appreciation for their service to Branch 270 Coldwater and to the Royal Canadian Legion. (Photo by Wanda Beaudoin)

Congratulations to Comrade Penny Lawrence-Judges (right) who was presented a Certificate of Merit by Branch President Comrade Wayne Tutt on behalf of Branch 270 Coldwater. Penny is a fairly new member of the branch, and she's already established her reputation as a dedicated team member, consistently volunteering in supporting branch activities. She was asked to take over the posts of Entertainment and Ways & Means Chairs at a critical time, and did a fantastic job at managing all aspects of her duties, and much more. For those reasons, we are pleased to award her a Legion Certificate of Merit.

Congratulations to Comrade Wayne Tutt (right) who was presented a Certificate of Merit by Branch Immediate Past President Comrade Norm Marion on behalf of Branch 270 Coldwater. From the moment he joined our branch, Comrade Wayne Tutt took an active role in all aspects of the operations and quickly became an important member of the Executive, progressing through 2nd and 1st vice, before serving his term as Branch President this past year. While performing his duties as Executive, he also did an outstanding job as Building Officer and Poppy Chair. For those reasons, we are pleased to award him a Legion Certificate of Merit.

During the ceremony Comrade Wayne was also presented the Past President Medal.

Congratulations to Comrade Cheryll Barr (right), who was presented the Branch Legionnaire of the Year award by Branch President Wayne Tutt. Over the past three years Cheryll has selflessly offered her time, knowledge and experience for the betterment of the Branch, its members and the Coldwater community. Throughout the 2022 period, she has carried through her duties in an exemplary manner as Chair of the Membership Committee, Chair of the Youth Education Committee, and member of the Honours & Awards Committee, as well as volunteering countless hours as a Bar Steward. Although the Legionnaire of the Year Award is an annual honour, in this particular case we wish to recognize the multi-year efforts that Cheryll has put in, coordinating and managing the branch Bottle Drive, which brought in over $50,000 in the past three years. For those reasons, we are pleased to award Comrade Cheryll Barr the 2022 Legionnaire of the Year Award.

During the ceremony Cheryll was also presented the Youth Education Bar to the Branch Past Office Medal.



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