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Comrades, we have a newly elected president, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Vice-presidents, and six elected members of the Branch Executive.  Indeed, on Sunday April 28, 2024, the Coldwater Branch held its annual elections.  Congratulations must go to Comrades Penny Lawrence-Judges, Gaëtanne Robinson, Debbie Southorn, Cheryll Barr, Marlene Klanert, and Paula Brown, who were elected as members of the Executive; to Comrades Kari Malmström, John O'Hara, and Al Myre, respectively 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Vice-Presidents; and to Comrade Anne Frankish, our acclaimed President.  With the help of several other appointees as chairpersons of committees, the team will form the core of the new Executive and will run the business and activities of the branch for the next year.  The new Executive will begin its mandate on June 1.  Names of the new committee chairs will be posted in the June issue of The Maple Leaf.  As we welcome the new Executive, we must thank those who carried the torch for the past year: the committee chairpersons and their committee members, the volunteers, all those who supported the branch activities in any way.  Thank you all, and once again, congratulations to the newly elected!

The newly elected Executives, left-to-right: Al Myre; Paula Brown; Debbie Southorn; Penny Lawrence-Judges; Marlene Klanert; Kari Malmström; Anne Frankish; Shawn McKinley (Election Officer); Gaëtanne Robinson; John O'Hara; and Cheryll Barr.

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