About us
Branch 270 Coldwater first received its Charter in January of 1935. You may read about the various steps in the development of the branch under Our History on this site. Today, the Coldwater Branch has a membership of 326 Ordinary, Associate, Affiliate, and Life Members, as well as a Ladies' Auxiliary consisting of 42 members. Although the team that keeps the branch running smoothly throughout the year includes dozens of dedicated volunteers, a small group of members coordinates the branch's projects and activities from day-to-day. Here are the members of the 2024 Branch Executive and Committee Chairpersons:
Branch Elected Executive
President: Anne Frankish
1st Vice-President: Kari Malmström
2nd Vice-President: John O'Hara
3rd Vice-President: Al Myre
Member: Cheryll Barr
Member: Paula Brown
Member: Gaëtanne Robinson
Member: Debbie Southorn
Member: Penny Lawrence-Judges
Member: Marlene Klanert
Committee Chairs
Secretary: Marlene Klanert
Treasurer: Al Myre
Bar Officer: Debbie Southorn
Building Manager: Kari Malmström
Sports: Al Myre
Sick & Visiting: Betty-Anne Burnie
Membership: Cheryll Barr
Veterans Service Officer: Paula Brown
Poppy: Gaëtanne Robinson
Youth Education: Cheryll Barr
Entertainment/Ways & Means: Penny Lawrence-Judges
Public Relations & Historian: Norm Marion
Sergeant-at-Arms: Debbie Southorn
Bursary: Henny Risebrough
Leadership Development: Norm Marion